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PATRICIA  is  a true to life brainiac and the daughter of an economy genius. 


Privileged, the girl has the looks of a goddess and a body to die for. 


So many gifts should mean prosperity and peace of mind, but supernatural will intrude.


​Patricia possesses the power to protect the world-her choice stands for preservation. 


William Knaast-her first love-wins what it takes for wrecking.


Hazug-the evil demon General-has the know how to harness love for his heartless game of harm.


is the First son of the most relevant representative Brazil has ever had-Constancio Nascimento.


From her mother's side, he inherited an empire of fabric and fashion in France.


A riot murdered his mother when he was two, and haunted Ricardo's father-his children's safety grew into obsession. 


The diplomat presented them with the instruction of a forest soldier-fire and cold weapons, Combat techniques, and martial arts.


Ricardo's brains made him a specialist in Security and Supercomputer development. 


No Secrets-a skeleton key he developed to control any system-brings sci-fi into reality.


The skeleton key represents a risk that  results in Ricardo's resolve to protect the human race.

The Warriors

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